Welcome to Raymond-Paul Zurschmitten

We are pleased to announce that Raymond has joined us and will support us with his personality and skills in the committee PHOTOSUISSE as the responsible person for the contests. Raymond, who has so far been an individual member of PHOTOSUISSE, will stand for election at the upcoming assembly of delegates. He introduces himself in this short article. A warm welcome, Raymond!

I grew up in Brig and studied natural sciences in Zurich. I have lived in this city with my family for over 35 years.

I have been taking photographs since my youth. Since 1979 a Canon AE-1 was my faithful companion on mountain tours or trips abroad.

Since my further education in photography 2016/2017, I have been photographing mostly. My favourite place is the Swiss mountains, where I like to take pictures of our beautiful landscapes and the flora. I share my photos in social media (Instagram) with other interested people. I was also able to exhibit them twice at photoSCHWEIZ. A selection of the pictures can be seen on my webpage www.raymond-paul.ch.

I am happy to get involved with PHOTOSUISSE. For the vacant area of contests, my experience with the FIAP competitions will help me, where I will apply for the AFIAP award this year.

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