Heinrich Kessler

Heinrich Kessler has been taking photographs for many years, first analogue, now digital. He joined the AARSO Fotoclub Zofingen in 1982. His preferences in photography are composing pictures, but also landscapes, and generally whatever comes in front of his lens. His opinion is that it is not the camera but a good eye that counts.

Heinrich has received various awards for his photography, such as the AFIAP title in 2017 and various Trierenberg gold medals. He has exhibited at the castle in Münsigen. After 2014, he also won the PHOTOSUISSE competition as best all-rounder this year. He tops the list in the PHOTOSUISSE long-term ranking as “Excellent Artist”.

His photos and projects can be found on Instagram, Facebook, 500px, fc-Germany and at www.heinrichkessler.ch.